Carburador Freewind ! Preciso de ajuda :-

15 Set 2008 18:31 #1 por Scotch
Pessoal tenho uma Freewind 2003, possuo o manual de peças e serviço mas ela tá com algum problema na alimentação e não consigo descobrir o que é. Aparentemente é no sistema de vacuo do carburador, no selenóide.Ela liga normalmente e apos 1 ou 2 minutos começa a falhar e morre, não ligando mais. Nesse periodo, quase morte, qdo se acelera o motor em ponto morto ele demora a baixar os giros. Depois de um tempo, pega normalmente e acontece o mesmo. Quando eu solto as duas mangueiras do sistema de vacuo que se ligam ao selenoide, a moto para de falhar. Testei o selenoide primeiramente tentando ouvir seu clic ligando a chave de partida. Nada. Testei os polos do conector que se liga ao selenoide e não acusou 12V.Nem com o motor ligado. Liguei o selenoide diretamente na bateria e ele faz o clic de acionamento e libera a passagem de ar entre as conexoes das mangueiras.Os fios que se ligam ao selenoide estão com perfeita continuidade ( dois fios saem do selenoide. Um vai pro CDI e o outro bifurca pro CDI e botões de partida e engine stop. As minhas duvidas são:

Qdo se vira a chave pra ON, o selenoide faz clic?

Em que momento ele é acionado qdo o motor está em funcionamento ?

Com a chave em ON, o terminal que se liga ao selenóide deve acusar 12V ?

A proposito,a gasolina é podium e nova,o carburador está limpo e com tudo perfeito ( boias, agulhas, diafragmas etc ), a torneira do tanque de gasolina funciona perfeitamente,o respiro do tanque está livre,a valvula de vacuo VTV tbm está OK,o filtro de ar está limpo.

Alguma dica ????



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17 Set 2008 05:39 #2 por Scotch
Pessoal, andei com a moto ontem com as mangueiras do selenoide soltas e parece que tá tudo normal. Achei o texto abaixo na internet. Ele mostra uma freewind que retirou todo o sistema do selenoide do carburador. Nota-se que a saida de vacuo do carburador 2 que é ligada 'a torneira de combustivel foi tapada.Acontece que se eu tapo essa mesma saída, a moto morre na hora. O texto não mostra maiores detalhes do ajuste e/ou se a mangueira que aciona o vacuo da torneira foi religada no vacuo do carburador 1, que originalmente fica tapado. Segue o texto :

[face=Verdana>[size=2>Article from old yahoo site: Article from old yahoo site: [/size=2>Article from old yahoo site: [url][url][/url]

"Tuning the Freewind.
On request, this part will be translated. Above, I briefly described the tuning of my Freewind. In short, the silencer is swapped and the carburetors are re-jetted. But to be honest, that's not the whole story...

When I left the bike to the shop for its first service (1000km) they also strapped it to the dyno. They swapped the original 5.9 kg:s heavy-rust-free-metal-exhaust-strangler-silencer in favor of the 2.2 kg:s very-hollow-and-light-alu CRD silencer. The lid on top of the airbox was removed. And the carburetors were re-jetted. That's the easy understandable part. When I picked up the bike I also got a few "extra" pieces back that they didn't thought was necessary mounted on my bike. They said that the bike worked better without them...

By looking in my Suzuki Genuine Service Manual, I think I can identify those "redundant" pieces as:
• Vacuum chamber
• Vacuum Transmitting Valve
• Solenoid Valve
• Some hoses
• Throttle Position Sensor, not removed but electrically disconnected.

More interesting reading from the manual:

The Freewind carburetors features a fancy system called "PISTON VALVE LIFT CONTROL SYSTEM" (!). Quote: "This system controls sudden rising movement of the piston valve". The piston valve in this case is simply the throttle...

By compiling what I have read in the manual and the things I've heard, this is how I understand the system: in 2:nd and 3:rd gear (signal from the gear position sensor) the solenoid valve opens and puts vacuum from carburetor #2 on the , making it to open. By opening the Lift Control Valve, air from the discharge side of the air filter is led into the diaphragm chamber (above the diaphragm) thus preventing the piston valve to lift. That means less air, less gas and as you all probably already have guessed, less power. Did you understand that? If interest exists I might consider scanning some pics from the manual.

I suppose many of you readers get itchy fingers after reading this. Yes, probably you can get a noticeable power gain by only unplugging the Solenoid Valve but I don't give any guarantees of power gains or reliability. The air/fuel-mixing system is very delicate and should be left to professional to mess with. Meltdown is the worst case scenario if you get your mixture too lean. In my case, the shop who dynoed my bike had a Lambda-probe connected so they could monitor the mixture under all load/rpm circumstances.

The only thing they didn't got 100% was the bangs when braking with the motor. That indicates a bit too lean mixture on closed throttle or maybe just a bit too empty silencer..."

EXTRACT FROM MANUAL (pdf on Members Page – Page 119 [4-10]) - Pay Up & Join then you can see!!!

The piston valve lift control system … composed of lift control valve, V.T.V (Vaccuum Transmitting Valve), vacuum chamber and solenoid valve. This system controls sudden rising movement of the piston valve… Blah blah

Little thing with the orange end (sorry not stipe) is the VTV see 'Hoses' Pic

Caps & Clips
Suzuki Part Numbers
CAP 13274-84000
CLIP 09401-06101

(2 of each one for the Vaccing Point on the right hand carb, used to balance the carbs etc - just like the left hand carb - one for the White lift control valve on top of the carbs - see 'Carb Caps' Pic {in this pick you can still see - if you squint like a magic eye picture - the small length off grey hose that links the two white lift control valve thigies - couldnt be arsed to remove this as i won't do any thing anymore - the plug was just to stop crud getting in}

NOTE: I Have not removed the throttle position sensor and the airbox lid is ON with the snorkles removed

I dont think th 05 models use any of this stuf either - or the one i saw in a shop had already had it removed.

Usual Disclaimer - If it all goes Tits up - it wasnt me OK!

hoses & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; carb caps


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